Monday, February 25, 2013

CeraVe Cream for skin issues

This winter both my son and I were plagued with dry skin issues. Mine started and was caused by washing my hands too much and getting my skin dried out. I tried tons of creams, but my usual stand-bys were not cutting it- my hands were so dried out they were at the point they were cracking and bleeding!!!

My son started with eczema this December with it on his face, behind his ear and on his wrists. I use the Exederm Baby brand on him and myself and this usually keeps our skin looking good. However all of a sudden this year it just wasn't keeping ahead of the dry skin. A trip to the pediatrician for a steroid cream and using aquaphor gave some relief and then it flared up some more. Then we made a trip to the pediatric dermatologist (yes, there is such a thing) for a steroid ointment that almost cleared it up, but we could only use for two weeks and then when the two weeks were up- it flared up again. Then we happened to be at our routine visit to our allergist when she saw his eczema and recommended we try CeraVe Cream. After a week of applying it once daily my hands are 90% healed and after not quite a week of applying at least twice daily to my sons eczema patches his is looking better too- not healed, but not red has lightened to pink and I think we are starting to see it make a dent in the healing process.

So if you are struggling with dry skin or eczema give this cream a try. It is strictly a moisturizer cream, not a steroid, so it is safe to use and apply as often as needed.

We found ours at our local CVS or any drug store should carry it. You can check out more reviews at
It comes in a large container and is between $15-$20, but  a little goes a long way- it will last you a while. I put it on my hand before bed and for my son I put it on before bed and then in the morning before school.

Hope this helps!

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