Thursday, February 28, 2013

10 Nontoxic Ways to Combat Ants

Hi there, we have recently (the last week or so) with these little tiny sugar ants in our kitchen. It's no surprise really we have a slab foundation and have trouble in the past, last year we had them in a bedroom outlet. Imagine going to bed and noticing a weird flicker coming from the night light- when you walk over and notice there are black spots on the night light and they are moving!!! YIKES!! Sounds like the start to an old Alfred Hitchcock movie- THE ANTS (instead of the Birds). Well that was a late night needless to say as I had to deal with killing them and cleaning them up.
This year they are in our kitchen. I suspect they are coming from the radiator in the corner of the eating area and they have been walking across the room and into the cabinets. Being that we have little kids and a dog I don't like to spray chemicals in the house- even those ones that say safe to use around kids and pets. Call me funny like that, but if it isn't NONTOXIC I don't want it!!!!
So here are some treatments that you can use that are completely safe:

1. Vinegar- pour into a new, clean spray bottle and spray on the ants and their trial. It doesn't really kill the ants, but it does clean the sent they leave in their trials. If you have them in the cabinets take everything out and spray the cabinets with the vinegar and wipe down. You'll need to do this several times a day for several days.

2. Bag Up Food- Go through your cabinets and get rid of what you don't need. What you are keeping either put in a Tupperware container or a Ziploc bag so they can't get to the food. No food- No ants.

3. Chalk- Take some plain old white chalk (chalk is nontoxic) and draw a line around doors, windows, floors, and walls- wherever you see them coming in. They don't like chalk and won't walk over it.

4. Cornmeal or Cornstarch- get some cornmeal or cornstarch and sprinkle it in the ants path. They will take it home and share it and then it will expand in their tummies and they'll die.

5. Boiling Hot Water- this works well on patios and if you can find the ant hill outside. Boil water in your kettle and pour it on the ant hill or all over your patio. The boiling water will kill them. You'll need to be diligent about this- do several times a day for several days.

6. Bay Leaves- yes the bay leaves you use to cook with- take some and put them where the ants are- it helps repel them. The only caveat is don't put them where children and pets are likely to get
them- they are nontoxic, but they may pose a choking hazard as they are stiff and a little sharp.

7. Cucumbers- Slice up cucumbers and put them where the ants are- they don't like them and this will act as a repellent. I would put them on a piece of wax paper so the area doesn't get sticky and you'll have to replace everyday or so as they spoil. You can also try using cucumber peels instead of slices.

8. Eliminate leaks/ water sources- Ants are looking for several things when they decide to invade your home; food, water and shelter. Well your house is warm and comfy- nothing you can do about that, but you can try to limit the other two items on their list. Make sure you don't have leaks. If you see them around the sink area- look underneath for any leaks. Are they in the bathroom- check for leaks. Are they on a particular wall? Perhaps you have a leak inside. They also like radiators as the condensation from the heat leaves them with enough water to survive.

9. Clean counter tops and vacuum/sweep floor- make sure to wipe all counter tops and tables down every night and vacuum or sweep up the floors. You might not see any food- but trust me- they do!!

10. Use Orange Peels- Place orange peels from one orange in a blender with one cup of water. (You can increase the amount of solution you make depending on the severity of the ant problem.) Add one cup of water for every orange's worth of peels you add to the blender. Puree the orange peels and water until they are mixed together into a solution. Pour the solution into any anthills around your home to kill the ants. Dump the solution in a spray container and spray any problem areas within your home to kill the ants. The solution also acts as a repellent. Spray the solution around the outside of base of your house to keep ants from entering. Or try Orange Guard a nontoxic insecticide made from orange peels.

Read more: How to Use Orange Peels to Kill Ants |

A late addition to the list-
You can also spray them with Shaklee's Basic Organic H they die immediately from the soapyness- it suffocates them.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Using Vinegar to Clean the Bathroom

If you have been following me you know how much I love to clean with vinegar- it's cheap, it's nontoxic and it actually works!!!!

Here are some tips for using Vinegar in the Bathroom:

  • Rid a faucet of lime deposits by tying a plastic bag containing 1/2 to 1/3 cup of white distilled vinegar around it and leaving it there for two or three hours. If mineral deposits don’t wipe off, scrubbing with an old toothbrush should complete the job.
  • Rinse away soapy film on counter tops, sinks, tubs, tile and shower doors with a solution of white distilled vinegar and water.
  • Clean grout by letting full-strength white distilled vinegar sit on it for a few minutes and scrubbing it with an old toothbrush.
  • Clean shower door tracks by filling them with white distilled vinegar and letting it sit for a few hours. Pour hot water into the tracks and wash and scrub away the scum with a toothbrush.
  • Deodorize the toilet bowl by allowing 3 cups white distilled vinegar to sit in it for about a half hour before flushing.
  • Make your own air freshener spray by using 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar, and 1 cup water.
  • Kill germs all around the bathroom with a spray of full-strength white distilled vinegar. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Monday, February 25, 2013

CeraVe Cream for skin issues

This winter both my son and I were plagued with dry skin issues. Mine started and was caused by washing my hands too much and getting my skin dried out. I tried tons of creams, but my usual stand-bys were not cutting it- my hands were so dried out they were at the point they were cracking and bleeding!!!

My son started with eczema this December with it on his face, behind his ear and on his wrists. I use the Exederm Baby brand on him and myself and this usually keeps our skin looking good. However all of a sudden this year it just wasn't keeping ahead of the dry skin. A trip to the pediatrician for a steroid cream and using aquaphor gave some relief and then it flared up some more. Then we made a trip to the pediatric dermatologist (yes, there is such a thing) for a steroid ointment that almost cleared it up, but we could only use for two weeks and then when the two weeks were up- it flared up again. Then we happened to be at our routine visit to our allergist when she saw his eczema and recommended we try CeraVe Cream. After a week of applying it once daily my hands are 90% healed and after not quite a week of applying at least twice daily to my sons eczema patches his is looking better too- not healed, but not red has lightened to pink and I think we are starting to see it make a dent in the healing process.

So if you are struggling with dry skin or eczema give this cream a try. It is strictly a moisturizer cream, not a steroid, so it is safe to use and apply as often as needed.

We found ours at our local CVS or any drug store should carry it. You can check out more reviews at
It comes in a large container and is between $15-$20, but  a little goes a long way- it will last you a while. I put it on my hand before bed and for my son I put it on before bed and then in the morning before school.

Hope this helps!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring Cleaning: The Linen Closet

So now we are onto the linen closet. What is learking in there? Have you organized yours lately? I recently reorganized mine. I wish I had taken before photos, but I forgot, so you just get the after shot.

CONTAINERS, CONTAINERS, CONTAINERS!!! Oh, and did I mention CONTAINERS! Finding containers to keep thing organized is key here. I found these slide-out drawes at Walmart and they work perfectly, plus I can see what is in them!

The picture above is the top half of my linen closet. Since it is located in the hallway near the bedrooms and bath I keep a lot of extra bath supplies in here. I have a bin for  extra lotions, shampoos and creams, another for band aids, antiseptic sprays and sunscreens, another for extra toothpastes and extra toothbrushes, one for children's medicines and another for nebulizer meds and supplies.

The bottom two shelves hold towels and on the floor I have extra toilet paper and paper towels.

So to clean:

1. First remove everything.
2. Check expirations of medications and discard any old medications.
3. Really think about what you use/need. Discard anything you don't. Keep in mind you want to only keep what you need because we don't want it to get cluttered again.
4. Wipe down all shelves. (you may want to line the shelves with some cheerful shelf liners)
5. Get some containers for your items (remember to measure before shopping for containers)
6. Put items back in.
7. Enjoy having a place for everything and everything in its place and not an avalanche every time you open the door.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to Clean your Dishwasher

Clean my dishwasher? Isn't its whole purpose to clean things?Well, yes. Doesn't it clean itself? Well, not really. The majority of it should be clean but upon closer inspection you'll see a lot of dirty spots.

First check the bottom around the drain for loose debris or food. If you see some, it might be time to remove the drain (probably requires unscrewing) and clean it out. My dishwasher is only a year old so it is working fine- no draining issues.

Next check around the sides of the door- where it seals to the outside. Mine had lots of sticky spots that I got my trusty vinegar spray bottle and sprayed and scrubbed with a sponge.
Ahh! That's much better!! Next check the bottom of the door where it meats with the bottom of the dishwasher and around all the black rubber sealing.
Can you see the black goop- I was horrified!!! Where did that come from? This machine is not even a year old and I am a freak about pre-rinsing my dishes! So you can tell that is an area that doesn't get cleaned when the dishwasher runs, gross right?!
The gross goop after I removed it! That sponge is being trashed after this!!!!!
Once those areas have been taken care of, it is time to let the dishwasher join in the fun and clean itself!
Get out your glass measuring cup and measure 1 cup vinegar (or just pour 1 cup vinegar into any other dishwasher-safe bowl). Put it on the top rack of the dishwasher and run it on the hottest cycle to sanitize. When it is finished remove it and run through a quick rinse cycle.

Now to keep it clean- you may want to do this every few months- it's a good idea to do it during your spring and fall cleanings.

Did you know that vinegar is also good as a rinse agent. Instead of those chemical ones. Just let the rinse agent run out in your dishwasher and then fill with vinegar. You may not get the best results the first few cycles as the chemical on runs out, but once it is gone the vinegar will do its magic!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Spring Cleaning: The Bathroom

Well, we have tackled the kitchen, now to the next busiest and thus also gets the dirtiest- The Bathroom. Now like the kitchen, the bathroom probably gets cleaned often- would you say at LEAST once a week maybe more. I know I clean my bathroom every week from top to bottom and try to wipe down the sink, counter and toilet seat daily (I say try here because lets face it- although I try it doesn't usually get done everyday). So like the kitchen- the most effort will be the cleaning out cabinets and purging, reorganizing will be the biggest task.

  • First start from top to bottom, that way we are not cleaning to re-clean again later. get your trusty duster and dust ceiling, corners, light fixtures, etc.
  • If your light fixtures are dirty they might need a spray with your favorite glass cleaner (vinegar works well) or if they are really bad it might be time to take them down and hand wash in them sink. Just be sure they are 100% dry before replacing them.
  • Then clean the mirrors.
  • Next start by emptying your medicine cabinets.
  • Wipe out the cabinets before putting stuff back in.
  • Now is the time to take stock of what you have and what you use. Trash anything you haven't used in a while and check expiration dates on medicines. Outdated or half-used older medicines should be removed and discarded properly.
  • Put items back in an organized manner so you can see everything and access it easily.
  • Now tackle the drawers and the under the sink cabinet. Again take everything out and wipe down inside drawers and cabinets.
  • Again really look at what you have and if you use it. Put items back in organized manner and make sure everything is accessible.
  • If you have a linen closet with toiletries that is not in the bathroom, you may want to stock under the sink with some extra items like rolls of toilet paper, tissues and paper towels for those little emergencies.
  • Go through your make up and toss anything you have had for over a year, whether you use it or not, makeup does have a shelf-life and using old makeup may lead to break-outs and other skin irritations. Toss any make-up you no longer use- you know the lipstick you were in love with last fall and now can't stand.
  • Clean the counter tops, sink and faucets.
  • Now onto the toilet- scrub that baby down- inside and out.
  • Next the shower- scrub the shower and then the tub- be sure to get those grout lines. (an old toothbrush works great for this)
  • Take down the cloth shower curtain and run through the washing machine and re-hang or replace the plastic liner.
  • Then wash the floors and toss any washable mats/rugs into the washing machine.
  • Wash any decorate towels in the washing machine and re-hang.
Now enjoy a clean bathroom for about 5 minutes before the kids or the hubby trashes it again. :)

Here's How to Use Vingegar to Clean your Bathroom.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Uses for Vinegar in the Kitchen

Most cleaning products are either toxic and/or expensive. Vinegar is neither. Gallon jugs of it are very inexpensive and it is non-toxic therefore no need to worry about you and your family's heath.
Moreover, vinegar successfully eliminates mould and germs, which makes it a great choice for a kitchen cleaner as it can disinfect all types of surfaces within your kitchen. Here are some tips on cleaning the kitchen with vinegar.

Take a new spray bottle and mix 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar.  (don't reuse a spray bottle that had another product in it as vinegar mixed with ammonia or bleach may give off a toxic gas)
  • After scrubbing down your chopping boards with soap and very hot water spray with vinegar and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing to eliminate bacteria and odours. I recommend that you do it after cutting raw meat. (throwing the plastic ones in the dishwasher helps too).
  • Wipe all surfaces in your kitchen  (counter tops, tables, islands) with vinegar to kill bacteria and germs.
  • To keep ants away, spray a little amount of vinegar along doorways, counter tops, and anywhere that ants can find their way to your food stores. Spray any ant trails.
  • Remove strong odours from those Tupperware containers that have been left in the fridge (or your husband's car ) too long by rinsing with a solution of 50/50 vinegar and water to get rid of any strong odours.
  •  Just pour a cup or so of white vinegar down the drain and let it sit for at least an hour before rinsing to eliminate odours from the garbage disposal.
  • Clean your kitchen trash can by heading outside and spraying with vinegar- let sit for at least 10 minutes and rinse out with hose then let air dry.
  • To clean your dishwasher pour 1/2 cup vinegar in an empty dishwasher and run it. Then run an extra rinse cycle.
  • To clean up greasy messes in the microwave put a microwavable bowl with 1/2 cup vinegar inside and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then wipe clean.
  • Spray your windows and wipe clean.
  • Spray your hands and rinse to remove smells like garlic and onions after chopping.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spring Cleaning- The Kitchen

Spring Cleaning! What? But it is winter you say? Well I find it is better to start spring cleaning in the winter- since I am stuck in the house anyway. And the way I do it, I try to tackle something every weekend since I don't have much time during the week. That way by the time spring rolls around I am basically done with the inside and can focus on enjoying the outside when the nice weather comes.

I always start with the kitchen- it is the heart of the home.

First I make sure my kitchen table is empty and then I start going through my cabinets:
1. I take one cabinet at a time and take every thing out.
2.  Then wipe the inside and the outside clean.
3. Take stock of what is going back in- do I need it? Is this spot working for me? Toss anything I no longer need.
4. Check for BEST BY dates- is this item old or still good? Toss anything expired and make note of anything needing to be purchased.
5. Put items back in. Making any needed organizing adjustments needed.

Counter tops and the Sink:
1. Remove all items off of the counter tops.
2. Wipe counter tops clean.
3. Clean items and then place back on counter tops.
4. Scrub sink clean with dish soap.
5. Rinse clean and dry.

Then I start going through my refrigerator and freezer in the same fashion:
1. Empty the entire fridge. (if you haven't cleaned the fridge in a long time and think it will take a while you might want to have some coolers handy to keep food cold. But if you do this twice a year and clean any spills as they happen it won't take very long at all)
2. Wipe the inside clean.
3.Check for BEST BY dates- is this item old or still good? Toss anything expired and make note of anything needing to be purchased.
4. Put items back in. Making any needed organizing adjustments needed.
5. Do the same with the freezer.
6. Clean the outside of the refrigerator.
7. If your fridge dispenses water- change the water filter, or at least order the filter and put it in when it comes.
8. Pull out the fridge and vacuum and dust behind it.

The Stove:
1. If you have a self-cleaning oven,(lucky you) use that feature other wise do it by hand.

Next up Other appliances:
1. Wipe the outside of microwave clean.
2. Take a bowl and put 1 cup vinegar in in. Place in microwave for 2 minutes on high.
3. Wipe inside microwave clean.
4. Wipe clean coffee maker.
5. Run coffee pot through the dishwasher or wash by hand.
6. Clean teapot.
7. Clean any other appliances that you might have.

Next up, the pantry:
1. I take take every thing out.
2. Then wipe the inside clean.
3. Take stock of what is going back in- do I need it? Is this spot working for me? Toss anything I no longer need.
4. Check for BEST BY dates- is this item old or still good? Toss anything expired and make note of anything needing to be purchased.
5. Put items back in. Making any needed organizing adjustments needed.

Then the china cabinet:
1. Take everything out.
2. Then wipe inside clean.
3. Take stock of what is going back in- do I need it? Is this spot working for me? Toss anything I no longer need.
5. Wash items before putting back in- typically these items are used only a few times a year. If they have not been used in a while now is a good time to clean them. Run items through the dishwasher that are dishwasher safe and hand wash anything else.
6. Put items back in. Making any needed organizing adjustments needed.

Next Dust the Kitchen:
1. Get out your trusty duster (I use a swiffer 360 extender) and start dusting from the top down.
2. Dust all lighting fixtures and ceiling fans in kitchen. If anything needs it wipe clean.
3. Dust walls and pictures/art/decorations on the wall. If anything needs it wipe clean.
4. Dust furniture- Be sure to dust behind large pieces of furniture. Either move them away or stick the duster behind and do the best you can.
5. Wipe clean your kitchen table and chairs.

Next is the Floors:
1. Remove as much furniture from the room as possible- the might only be chairs and/or stools.
2. Vacuum or sweep the floors- which ever you prefer.
3. Mop, scrub or steam your floors. I use a steamer for my laminate floors.
4. Throw any throw rugs into the wash (if they can be washed) or take them outside and shake them out.

Trash can is next: (Clean the trash you say? Why yes. Do you know how yucky and smelly trash cans can get)
1. Take out any trash and then head outside with the trash can.
2. Take dish washing soap and squirt some in.
3. Scrub with either a sponge or scrubber (to be thrown out afterwards).
4. Rinse clean. (you may use a disinfectant of your choice to clean further if you wish)
5. Leave out to dry.
6. Or you may just wanna trash the trash can and get a new one if it is too disgusting to contemplate cleaning.

Now you are done! Make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy your spotless kitchen. You may wanna take a picture because if it is anything like my house... it won't stay that way long!!!!!!!

- Spices loose their potency after time. Replace anything that is over a year old.
-Command hooks are great to put inside cabinets to hang things.
-A white board or chalk board are great to have to write down items that need to be purchased as you are running low.

You may tackle this all in one weekend or do what I do and try to do at least one to two areas done each weekend.

My favorite items for cleaning the kitchen:
-Distilled White Vinegar
-Swiffer 360 Duster-
-Shark Steam mop-

Here's how to use vinegar to clean your kitchen

Here's How to Clean your dishwasher