Monday, May 20, 2013

Vinegar as a Home Remedy

Did you know Vinegar can be used to treat some simple common ailments?

1. Athlete's Foot-  Got a case of itchy athlete's foot? Try some Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Add 5 cups vinegar and 5 cups water to a plastic tub and soak your feet from 5-10 minutes for 10 days. Be sure to soak both feet as athlete's foot is very contagious to make sure it doesn't spread. Dry your feet well afterwards. (Seek medical attention if you have tried this and it is not working) You may want to do this every so often even if not affected at the time as a preventative method if you are someone who gets this chronically.

2. Toe Nail Fungus- Have embarrassing toe nail fungus? Try some Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Add 5 cups vinegar and 5 cups water to a plastic tub and soak your feet from 20 minutes for several times a week. Be sure to soak both feet as fungus is very contagious to make sure it doesn't spread, dry feet well. Or if you don't have time you can put some undiluted vinegar into a spray bottle and spray toes with it twice a day. (You could do a combination of the two ways) Be sure to continue until the nail bed had grown out and there are no more signs of fungus.(Seek medical attention if you have tried this and it is not working)  You may want to do this every so often even if not affected at the time as a preventative method if you are someone who gets this chronically.

3. Dandruff- Got a case of the itchy dandruff flakes? Try some Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Dandruff comes from having to much yeast on your scalp, apple cider vinegar changes the pH of your skin. Mix 50/50 solution with water and put in a spray bottle. Spritz your scalp (be careful not to get ears and eyes) and let sit for 15 minutes to an hour, then rinse and dry.

4. Yeast Infection- As mentioned above vinegar changes the pH of your skin so if you are suffering from a yeast infection this is a good way to calm things down down there until you can get to the doctor for more assistance. (Always have any female issues checked as it may not be a yeast infection at all- it could be bacterial)  Try a vinegar bath- pour 1 cup vinegar into a tub and soak for 20-30 minutes, dry well. Don't have 20-30 minutes,  try a wash cloth dampened with a little vinegar and warm water- pat the itchy area with the cloth being sure to stay externally.

NOTE- if you aren't having any luck with these please seek medical assistance!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE vinegar too!!! It's awesome and natural!!! :)

