Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring Cleaning: the Living Room and Den

OK so now we are onto the den and or living room.

As always start from the top and work your way down.

1. Remove all curtains and wash them.
2. Start dusting from the top down.
3. Move all furniture and dust behind it. (you'll be amazed at how much dust accumulates back there.
4. Now is a good time to empty out cabinets and drawers, wipe them down with a rag and go through what you want to keep/toss.
5. I toss all throw blankets in the wash to refresh them.
6. Sprinkle the couches and carpets with baking soda, let sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum it up to freshen them and remove odors.
7. Wash the windows.
8. Then rehang your curtains.
9. Enjoy your clean room.

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