Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Secret for Night Time Leaks

Now of course I mean the kiddos leakage, not myself. 

One night whilst changing the entire bed so I could put my freshly redressed and now crying son back in at after finding him soaked through. I had a "light bulb moment"- there has to be a better way to do this. Upon waking wet he would cry and cry- it took two of us to change everything over; one to change and console him and one to change the sheets. So I set about a way to make changing the bed in the middle of the night easier- if I could double up the bottom, fitted sheets and mattress savers maybe I could streamline this unpleasant process. Well the fluffy mattress savers I had were too bulky and made the sheets fit funny. So eventually I found some thinner ones and here is the application I came up with and the items I used :

1. First I covered the mattress in an organic cotton dust mite allergy barrier
2. Then I placed an organic cotton waterproof mattress pad with straps
3. Then a fitted sheet on top of that
4. Next I put a crib-sized organic cotton waterproof mattress pad in the middle of the bed, the area most likely for an accident to occur.
5. Topped that with the fitted sheet that went with his top sheet and pillow case.
6. Finish making the bed as usual.
*Please note these links are the items that I used in case you are interested. You can absolutely pull this off with other brands of waterproof mattress pads.*

How this works? Well the next time we had a late-night leakage issue I was able to pull the top fitted sheet and crib-sized mattress saver off  while he was still sleeping by pulling one side up, shifting him to the dry side and then pulling the other side of top fitted sheet and crib-sized mattress pad off to reveal a completely dry set of bottom sheets below it. Then as long as his shirt was dry and I didn't have to change it, he would sleep through me changing his soaked pants and diaper/pull-ups/underwear. (Usually the top sheets would be dry, but those are easy enough to change without disturbing the kid.) Viola- I had solved the problem!!!!! :)  In the morning or later in the next day you simply "reload" the bed (so to speak) with a fresh crib-sized pad and fitted sheet.

I also found that once I changed brands of diapers to the Honest Company Diapers I have rarely had any night-time leakages so I feel the quality diaper has A LOT to do with dry nights! :)

You may also like my blog post on the Honest Company Diapers.

1 comment:

  1. Two sets of bedding definitely the way to go - we're trying to go through the night without pull ups at the moment but inevitably there are some accidents and with the double sheet, like you, we can get everything changed without waking littl'un up.

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower, Alice @ Mums Make Lists
