Wednesday, September 17, 2014
We've Moved!!!
We've moved. From Son Up til Son down has moved to
All or content can be found over there. Hope to see you over there!!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Get A Clean Sink with Scour Off
Time to get her done. First take out all the dishes. Then rinse it out. Grab your Scour off and a wet sponge and get to work. I like to rub around in circles all over the place. Then I rinse and if I really wanted it to look good I dry it too.
Now it’s your turn.
Comparable to Ajax® with Bleach Powder Cleanser and Comet® with Bleach in the removal of kitchen grease and grime.*
stove tops
Also consider Shaklee's Super Micofiber Dish Sponge. Use for cleaning surfaces or washing dishes. One scrubber side is great for nonstick surfaces. For dish washing by hand and surface cleaning. Machine washable, air dry or low to medium heat in dryer. No fabric softener or bleach. Don't buy those crappy sponges from the grocery store. Order 1-2 of these and simply toss them in the wash when needed. No more wasteful throwing out of sponges!!!
And for tough jobs try Shaklee's Miracle Scrubber Pad. Its called the miracle pad for a reason- it tackles even the toughest scrubbing jobs!!!
Now it’s your turn.
Don't forget to get your Scour Off Paste
Here’s an exclusive scouring cleanser that sets a new standard.
It’s a paste, so it doesn’t form dust clouds, yet it gently removes stains other cleansers can't and is great for cleaning tubs, ovens, sinks, and tiles and it will even remove rust,
and is great for cleaning these surfaces: copper, grout, cement, ceramic, and imitation marble.
- Natural ingredients remove the toughest dried-on splatters and spills, burned-on grease, baked-on food, and sticky messes without hazardous chemicals or toxic fumes.
- Scour Off is made from natural mineral abrasives and biodegradable cleaning agents. It does not contain chlorine, bleach, or dye.
- Scour Off gently removes stains other cleansers can’t and is great for cleaning tubs, ovens, sinks, and tiles.
- It will even remove rust, and is great for cleaning these surfaces: copper, grout, cement, ceramic, and imitation marble.
- Wide-mouth jar makes it easy to use.
- Nontoxic
- Natural abrasives
- No harsh chemicals
- Biodegradable surfactants
- No phosphates
stove tops
Also consider Shaklee's Super Micofiber Dish Sponge. Use for cleaning surfaces or washing dishes. One scrubber side is great for nonstick surfaces. For dish washing by hand and surface cleaning. Machine washable, air dry or low to medium heat in dryer. No fabric softener or bleach. Don't buy those crappy sponges from the grocery store. Order 1-2 of these and simply toss them in the wash when needed. No more wasteful throwing out of sponges!!!
And for tough jobs try Shaklee's Miracle Scrubber Pad. Its called the miracle pad for a reason- it tackles even the toughest scrubbing jobs!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Need some extra enegry? Shaklee 180 Energizing Tea to the rescue
I work full-time and have my Shaklee business on the side and run this blog.
I don't know about you, but at around 3pm I start to run out of energy.
But I have a little secret weapon that keeps me going-
Shaklee 180 Energizing Tea.
I never drank coffee ever- can't stand the smell of it!
So until recently the only caffeine I had was from soda.
Soda is gross and bad for you- I have stopped drinking it totally and replaced it with this tea.
This tea does not give me the jitters or a headache from using it or not using it like
some other caffeinated beverages will do.
I am just refreshed and rejuvenated when I drink it and ready to conquer the world!
The Importance and Benefits of Shaklee 180 Energizing Tea
prevents Transfer of Toxins and Oxidation during fat loss!
TOXINS are stored in FAT.
When you lose fat … you MUST provide for a way to eliminate the toxins!
Otherwise they will transfer to other areas of the body and cause havoc in the cellular tissue of glands, organs, muscle, etc.
Many diet programs DO NOT provide for the elimination of these toxins. This is very dangerous! (Shaklee 180 Tea is part of our Shaklee 180 Healthy Weight Loss Program). Fiber is like a SPONGE … it is ESSENTIAL for SAFE WEIGHT LOSS because it absorbs TOXINS. That’s why there is so much fiber in the Shaklee180 Smoothees, Meal bars and snacks!
Oxidation causes cellular membrane damage.
Loss of FAT causes a high level of Oxidation in the body .
Antioxidants are ESSENTIAL to Protect Cellular Tissue from Damage
from High Levels of Oxidation
The Shaklee Energizing Tea is an ESSENTIAL part of the Shaklee180 Inch Loss
program to address this OXIDATION ISSUE
It is essential to provide optimal ANTI-OXIDANTS to block the negative affect of this oxidation!
The SILENT side effects of insufficient Antioxidants with fat loss is a HIGH LEVEL of
Cellular Membrane Damage
(Aging or Degenerative Cellular Health)
A refreshing energy boost.
Forget coffee and amped-up sodas. Here’s a safe and natural way to head off the slumps when you need a quick pick-me-up. An exclusive blend of antioxidant-rich green, white and red teas,
as well as taurine, naturally boosts your energy and enhances alertness.
Enjoy morning or afternoon, hot or cold.
- A blend of green, white and red teas for a natural energy boost
- Includes taurine, widely studied for enhancing alertness and energy
- No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives added
- Gluten free
- Tastes great hot or cold
Pomegranate TeaGreen Matcha Tea
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Honey Mustard Fried Onion Pork Chops
Hi everyone- Here is one of my favorite dishes. (Also works good with chicken)
-Pork Chops (or Chicken Breasts)
-Newman's Own Lite Honey Mustard Salad Dressing
-French's Fried Onions
Empty the Honey Mustard into a bowl.
Dump several handfuls of the fried onions into a ziplock bag.
Seal the bag, being sure to get as much of the air out as possible.
Take a rolling pin and roll over bag until fried onions are like a
breadcrumb consistency and then empty into another bowl.
Dredge pork or chicken through the honey mustard dressing being sure to coat it evenly.
Then put into bowl of the fried onions, being sure to press the onions
into it like you would breadcrumbs.
Spray a baking pan with non-stick spray and place pork or chicken onto it.
Bake 30-45 minutes depending on thickness at 350 degrees.
I serve it with rice or pasta and a vegetable.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Organic Gardening Tips
Hi All.
Been busy with life and doing some home spruce-ups around the house.
When it comes to gardening and other yard stuff as you guessed I pretty much want to do it as organically as possible- NO CHEMICALS!!
So the sprucing up we did was as chemical-free as we could be. First we don't put anything that is NOT organic on our lawn. Those chemicals are too scary!!!!
1. CUT the lawn, but leave it long. Longer grass shades the weeds and kills them.
Check out Organic Lawn care for the cheap and lazy for more tips on organic lawn care.
2. WEED- Get down on your hands and knees and pull out those weeds in you garden beds. We also pulled out some overgrown/dead bushes and uprooted a small oak tree that was growing on its own through a bush in front of a window- we transplanted it to a better location in the yard and we hope it takes. I think less is more, we were pretty overgrown in areas, but I preferred it more sparse than overgrown. For areas where grass and weeds are growing where you don't want anything growing try grabbing the large gallon bottles of vinegar from the grocery store. Pour the vinegar on the roots and in several days it will start to die. Only use in area like walkways, driveways, etc.
3. MULCH- this inhibits the weeds from growing and makes your soil better. We had 4 yards delivered from a local guy. If you need to weed a large section that you plan on mulching over try laying newspaper down first and then mulching over, the newspaper acts as a cheap weed barrier that with eventually deteriorate.
4. PLANT- we planted a few new bushes. If you don't have much $ to work on a spruce up I would spent it on perennials. If you get some great flowering bushes like hydrangeas you get the best bang for your buck. It will bloom and grow every year and you can budget to add some more perennials each year. Annuals have to be replaced each year so I would only bother with those when you have a well established garden.
5. FEED your plants and grass. Some inexpensive ways to feed your plants are using banana peels and used coffee grinds. Save those used coffee grinds and add to the soil around plants, this works really well for hydrangeas, roses and camellias. It also acts as a deterrent for slugs so sprinkle it around the base of plants they love. Save those banana peels and plant those at the bas of your plants, the potassium nourishes your plants.
6. WATER those plants and grass. If you have a sprinkler system, don't rely solely on it for your plants. You may need to water them additionally. Keep and eye on them on those hot summer days.
Shaklee's Basic H2 works great in the garden too. Here are some suggested uses:
Been busy with life and doing some home spruce-ups around the house.
When it comes to gardening and other yard stuff as you guessed I pretty much want to do it as organically as possible- NO CHEMICALS!!
So the sprucing up we did was as chemical-free as we could be. First we don't put anything that is NOT organic on our lawn. Those chemicals are too scary!!!!
1. CUT the lawn, but leave it long. Longer grass shades the weeds and kills them.
Check out Organic Lawn care for the cheap and lazy for more tips on organic lawn care.
2. WEED- Get down on your hands and knees and pull out those weeds in you garden beds. We also pulled out some overgrown/dead bushes and uprooted a small oak tree that was growing on its own through a bush in front of a window- we transplanted it to a better location in the yard and we hope it takes. I think less is more, we were pretty overgrown in areas, but I preferred it more sparse than overgrown. For areas where grass and weeds are growing where you don't want anything growing try grabbing the large gallon bottles of vinegar from the grocery store. Pour the vinegar on the roots and in several days it will start to die. Only use in area like walkways, driveways, etc.
3. MULCH- this inhibits the weeds from growing and makes your soil better. We had 4 yards delivered from a local guy. If you need to weed a large section that you plan on mulching over try laying newspaper down first and then mulching over, the newspaper acts as a cheap weed barrier that with eventually deteriorate.
4. PLANT- we planted a few new bushes. If you don't have much $ to work on a spruce up I would spent it on perennials. If you get some great flowering bushes like hydrangeas you get the best bang for your buck. It will bloom and grow every year and you can budget to add some more perennials each year. Annuals have to be replaced each year so I would only bother with those when you have a well established garden.
5. FEED your plants and grass. Some inexpensive ways to feed your plants are using banana peels and used coffee grinds. Save those used coffee grinds and add to the soil around plants, this works really well for hydrangeas, roses and camellias. It also acts as a deterrent for slugs so sprinkle it around the base of plants they love. Save those banana peels and plant those at the bas of your plants, the potassium nourishes your plants.
6. WATER those plants and grass. If you have a sprinkler system, don't rely solely on it for your plants. You may need to water them additionally. Keep and eye on them on those hot summer days.
Shaklee's Basic H2 works great in the garden too. Here are some suggested uses:
Soil Preparation
For new vegetable or flower beds, and new lawn areas Mix 1/2 pint Basic H2 to 3 gallons water for an area of 1,000 sq. ft. (20 feet x 50 feet). Wet down with sprinkler or till in immediately. Using a hose applicator, set the dial to 7 Tablespoons to 1 gallon water.
For growing lawns in the spring and fall, using a spray applicator, set the dial to 7 Tablespoons per gallon. If using an Ortho sprayer, fill the bottle with 1 Tablespoon Basic H2 and water, and spray evenly over the lawn. Repeat until the entire lawn is treated.
For transplanting flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs Mix 1/2 oz. Basic H2 to 1 gallon water.
Plant Feeding
For house plants Mix 2 drops (a little less than 1/16 teaspoon) Basic H2 to 16 oz. water. Mix 2 drops (a little less than 1/16 teaspoon) Basic H2 to 1 quart water. Water plants every other week.Mist plants with a mixture of 1 drops Basic H2 to 16 oz. water.
The Gardener’s Friend
The Invisible Glove Rub Basic H2 full strength on your hands, and allow to dry. You can work without gloves, and when the task is done, rinse all the grime away under the spigot. Basic-H will coat your skin, and won’t come off until you add water.
Please follow directions carefully. When in doubt, less is best. User assumes all risk.
These recipes, tips, and uses have been compiled from the Field, and are not endorsed by Shaklee Corporation.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Adventures in Sunscreens
Do you have trouble finding a sunscreen?
Do you or your children break out from them?
I have had this problem with my boys.
Mommy passed on her very sensitive Irish skin so I have trouble finding lotions
that don't make them break out in a eczema rash.
Which makes finding sunscreens tricky.
I want a sunscreen that is as natural, nontoxic and won't irritate their fair skin, plus it needs to work!
Our skin is one of our largest organs and it does absorb what you put on it so I don't want lotions or sunscreens that have toxic chemicals going on it, especially for my kids.
Last year we used California baby and it worked for us.
This year the new bottle made both of them break out in an eczema rash.
(Not sure if they changed the formula.)
Back to the drawing board!!!
After a lot of research and reading tons of reviews I ordered two sunscreens to test out.
They both have a rating of 1 on the EWGs website.
They both have a rating of 1 on the EWGs website.
They both worked, but one I like better than the other.
First one is the Honest Company Sunscreen.
It was great on their sensitive skin- no irritation,
but it was difficult to rub it and then they were very sticky even hours later.
The second one I liked a lot. It was Badger brand sunscreen. I bought the baby formula.
This stuff worked great, no irritation, smells great and rubs in easily and leaves no sticky residue.
Also no toxic chemicals- its all natural.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Dust Allergy
When you think of allergy symptoms you think the typical runny or stuffy nose,
itchy, watery eyes and sneezing that may occur when doing common household chores such dusting and vacuuming. But this can also trigger asthma and breathing issues.
I have some simple things to do to reduce the dust and lessen allergic symptoms.
First, if you think you are really allergic to dust seek out a board certified allergist-immunologist to make sure that is what you are allergic to.
Stage 1-
Basic things to try that are easy and cost little to no money.
1. Dust from the top to the bottom. Dust will fall so start at the top and work your way down.
Ceiling fans and light fixtures first then move down. Finish with vacuuming the floor.
2. Try not to DRY dust as much as possible. What is dry dusting you ask? Using a dry rag just kicks the dust back up into the air to fall back down. Try using a wet rag or I mist furniture with my trusty basic H and then wipe down.
3. If dusting bothers you try wearing a dust mask or have someone else dust for you. Trade duties like have your husband dust and you clean the bathrooms. If your child has a dust allergy make sure they are out of the room when dusting.
4. Dust weekly- especially the bedroom of the person with the dust allergy.
5.When dusting is completed, but before I vacuum I strip the bedding and bring it into the laundry to wash it. Then I return to vacuum.
5. Launder bedding on HOT once a week. I do sheets and blankets and stuffed animals once a week and I do comforters/quilts every two weeks. The weeks that they don't get washed I put them in the dryer for an hour on the HOTTEST setting. This kills the dust mites which are the major cause of dust allergies.
6. Take down all curtains and wash them every season- so that is four times a year. This is especially important in the bedroom of the allergic person.
7. Keep pets out of the bedrooms. You might say, but my kid is not allergic to our pet- but their coat can carry other allergens from other areas like outdoors in.
Stage 2-
Things that cost a little more money.
1. Buy mattress and pillow encasements- I recommend purchasing organic cotton. Don't want to replace mites with chemicals. These trap the mites in your mattress with in the encasement so there is less allergic reaction. Remove once a year and wash. (try the pillow encasements first if the mattress one is too expensive)
2. Try removing all curtains and replace with wood or vinyl blinds or wood shutters. Something that can be easily wiped down and won't harbor dust like cloth.
4. Purchase a heap filter vacuum.
4. Purchase a heap filter vacuum.
Stage 3-
Things that cost a lot of money.
1. Remove carpet and replace with hard wood, vinyl or laminate floors. Use throw rugs that can be washed if you still need that carpety-feel.
2. Purchase a new mattress and immediately cover it with a mattress encasement.
3. Purchase an air purifier.
Allergy Buyers Club is a great resource for Hepa vacuums, air purifiers and mattress encasements.
They have ratings and reviews. Even if you choose not to purchase from them, its a good place to do your research and then shop around for best prices. They even answer any questions online.
For a natural way to help with any allergy try Shaklee's Alfalfa Complex.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Mosquitoes Really BITE!!
Every year we end up in the doctors office (usually twice a year) because it gets red, swollen and hot.
Then we end up on an antibiotic or they send us home to wait a few more days and try
Benadryl and cortisone cream and then we end up back at the doctors office and
then we get the antibiotic because cellulitis is starting to happen.
Does this sound like you or your child???
The immediate reaction to an insect bite usually occurs within 10 to15 minutes after the incident, with local swelling and itching, which may disappear in an hour or less. A delayed reaction may appear in 12 to 24 hours with the development of an itchy red bump, which may persist for days.
Large local reactions to mosquito bites are very common in children and toddlers seem to have a reaction within minutes to the bite.
Here is what I have learned after numerous mosquito bite issues over the years with him.
1. Try to stay indoors around dawn and dusk.
2. Wear long sleeves and pants in light colors even a hat if you must be out at those times.
3. Try a insect repellent spray.
4. Use citronella candles when having fun outdoors.
5. Try a yard spray to knock-down and repel mosquitoes like this all-natural garlic spray.
(have not tried it yet, but I am intrigued)
6. Fix any holes in your screens and make sure your screen door closes quickly.
7. Do not wear perfume when outdoors.
8. Eliminate any standing water in your area if possible.
Once bitten here is my regime for combating the reaction.
1. See if you can find the pesky culprit and kill it before it can strike again.
2. Wash area gently with hand soap. DO NOT RUB AREA. pat dry.
3. Apply a cold compress or ice pack for swelling (as often as needed)
4. Apply Topricin for Children to bite three to four times daily or as needed.
5. Circle area with a pen to outline any redness, swelling, or heat and watch it to make sure it is not getting bigger, redder or hotter. Call doctor if it does not start looking better within two days from bite you may be getting cellulitis. Also watch out for any fever, vomiting, headaches which might be a symptom of disease mosquitoes spread.
6. Try an oatmeal bath.
Once I found Topricin, things really started to change for us in the war on mosquito bites.
This is why I like Topricin:
Topricin® Junior Ingredients:HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES (HPUS)... PURPOSE
Aesculus hippocastanum 6X... Relieves pain in the lower back, hip and spine
Arnica montana 6X..................Treats pain of impact, falling injuries and contusion to muscles and joints
Belladonna 6X.........................Treats muscle spasms, night leg cramps
Bellis perennis 6X................... Excellent for bruises, muscle soreness and sprains
Calendula officinalis 4X.............Promotes rapid healing of the skin
Crotalus horridus 8X................ Relief of impact injuries and deep muscle bruising
Echinacea 6X.......................... Relieves sharp stitching pain in joints and muscles
Graphites 6X........................... For skin conditions
Hypericum perforatum 6X......... Excellent for nerve pain and impact injuries to fingertips, toes and tail bone
Lachesis mutus 8X...................Relief of sciatic pain, and carpal tunnel
Naja tripudians 8X....................Relieves nerve injury pain
Rhus toxicodendron 12X...........Pain relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta graveolens 6X................. Relief of injuries to the knee, shin and elbow
Sulfur 8X................................. Relieves itching, stinging and irritations of the skin
INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Purified water, Highly refined vegetable oils, Glycerin, Medium Chain Triglyceride
Aesculus hippocastanum 6X... Relieves pain in the lower back, hip and spine
Arnica montana 6X..................Treats pain of impact, falling injuries and contusion to muscles and joints
Belladonna 6X.........................Treats muscle spasms, night leg cramps
Bellis perennis 6X................... Excellent for bruises, muscle soreness and sprains
Calendula officinalis 4X.............Promotes rapid healing of the skin
Crotalus horridus 8X................ Relief of impact injuries and deep muscle bruising
Echinacea 6X.......................... Relieves sharp stitching pain in joints and muscles
Graphites 6X........................... For skin conditions
Hypericum perforatum 6X......... Excellent for nerve pain and impact injuries to fingertips, toes and tail bone
Lachesis mutus 8X...................Relief of sciatic pain, and carpal tunnel
Naja tripudians 8X....................Relieves nerve injury pain
Rhus toxicodendron 12X...........Pain relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta graveolens 6X................. Relief of injuries to the knee, shin and elbow
Sulfur 8X................................. Relieves itching, stinging and irritations of the skin
INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Purified water, Highly refined vegetable oils, Glycerin, Medium Chain Triglyceride
We had our first mosquito bite of the season this week.
The culprit got him inside the house through his pajamas, or under them?
I immediately washed the two bites, and applied the topricin and by the second day of applying it 4 times a day the bites were almost gone. Usually be day two we are either on our way to the doctors.
I am completely in LOVE with this product, finally a safe weapon in the war on mosquito bites!!!
Please note- I am not a doctor. This is just what I have found works for me and I am sharing in the hopes it will help someone else. Please consult your doctor if you have any medical questions about mosquito bites, your bite has become hot and swollen and or their is red streaking around the bite.
I am completely in LOVE with this product, finally a safe weapon in the war on mosquito bites!!!
Please note- I am not a doctor. This is just what I have found works for me and I am sharing in the hopes it will help someone else. Please consult your doctor if you have any medical questions about mosquito bites, your bite has become hot and swollen and or their is red streaking around the bite.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Spring Time/ Bug Time- Nontoxic ways to combat the war on bugs
Last summer I posted about our wasp problem. They were invading our front porch.
We had to call a pest control company in.
This year, we are being proactive and using some safe, nontoxic ways of deterring them.
Problem #1- WASPS
Last year we had big paper wasps in the eaves of out porch making us need to use the back door for like two weeks when we had not one, but two treatments done by the pest company.
Since they liked that spot so much, we are spraying the front and back eaves with this stuff to deter them from flying near these areas. We also spray under the pool rim as they have been known to build nests there too. Use this directly on any nests to kill them.
We also had little yellow jackets in the kids plastic playset so we are spraying there too and this is what the pest control company used on that spot, but their professional grade version.
We are trying as a preventative to spray these areas so we don't have any issues this year.
The main ingredient is peppermint oil so it gives off a very minty scent which is actually pleasant, but can be strong. If using as a preventative as we are will probably need to spray several times throughout the season. We are trying once in the Spring, once or twice in the Summer
and then again in the Fall. Please note product says safe for outdoor and attic use.
Problem #2- ANTS
We have a crack in our foundation that we know we have ants in and they are entering the house. We are going to try this company's ant and roach product as we liked their wasp and hornet product so much. And once the ants are gone seal up the crack. This time the main ingredients are rosemary and cinnamon oil. Please note product says safe for outdoor and indoor use, but says to wipe away aceess product when used indoors.
Inside the house I use my trusty Basic H spray on the ants- either the all-purpose or the degreaser formula. Just spray the ants and they drown in the soapy water. Then wiped up.
No need to worry about any chemicals as Basic H is organic. If I have a particular area that
is an issue I will soak it with this stuff and let it sit over night- just so that it keeps working for an extending period of time without the dog or kids running through it-
it won't hurt them, it just less of it on the floor doing its job. :)
Get your Basic H here.
Happy Spraying Y'all!
No need to worry about any chemicals as Basic H is organic. If I have a particular area that
is an issue I will soak it with this stuff and let it sit over night- just so that it keeps working for an extending period of time without the dog or kids running through it-
it won't hurt them, it just less of it on the floor doing its job. :)
Get your Basic H here.
Happy Spraying Y'all!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Time for a Detox?
It rejuvenates, energizes and removes the toxic junk from your body. It gives you a kick start to clean eating and/or losing fat.
Reset your cravings, feel energized and maybe even lose a few pounds without going hungry, workouts or cooking.
It is natural, safe and it works.
I am personally a big fan of cleaning out once in a while. No one is perfect so this is a great time to start fresh!
The Shaklee 180 Kick Start Detox helps my body let go of the junk it wants to hold on to.
It is super easy to follow!
Watch this simple video to find out how easy it is
To join us, you will need the following products:
liver dtx*
180 smoothee*
180 snack bar*
herb lax*
raw veggies
organic lemons for your water
* Indicates a Shaklee product. This detox is specific for Shaklee products.
Happy Detoxing!
Friday, February 21, 2014
Spring Cleaning
Its that time of year when we start to feel the slightest bit of freshness in the air, its warming up a bit, the birds are chirping and everyone is getting spring fever.
Well where I am, there is still plenty of snow on the ground and although it is warming up and starting to melt, it is still a little raw outside, which means its the perfect time to start Spring Cleaning so that when the weather does get nicer, I can go out and enjoy it knowing that the inside of my house is clean.
I posted my spring cleaning schedule last year where I went in depth into each room. Then at the end I compiled it all together in my Spring Cleaning 101. If you missed it then, here it is again-
Spring Cleaning 101
Well where I am, there is still plenty of snow on the ground and although it is warming up and starting to melt, it is still a little raw outside, which means its the perfect time to start Spring Cleaning so that when the weather does get nicer, I can go out and enjoy it knowing that the inside of my house is clean.
I posted my spring cleaning schedule last year where I went in depth into each room. Then at the end I compiled it all together in my Spring Cleaning 101. If you missed it then, here it is again-
Spring Cleaning 101
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Is your Nail Polish Toxic?
Yes you should now also be checking the labeling on your nail polish! Many traditional brands carry dibutyl phthalate, toluene, and formaldehyde -- commonly called the ''toxic trio."
Toluene is a toxin that may cause birth defects and developmental problems in children of pregnant women who have had extended exposure. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which has been linked to birth defects in studies involving lab animals, and formaldehyde, a carcinogen are all ingredients you want to make sure are NOT in your polish.
Unfortunately, there are no certifications or labeling in the United States that indicate a ‘safe’ or ‘better’ nail polish or polish remover. The best you can do is look for advertising that publicly claims they are free of these specific chemicals, so look for "DBP-free" "formaldehyde-free" and "toluene-free" messages.

Here is a list of brands that are
free of these toxins:
Butter London
Honeybee Gardens
Priti NYC
Scotch Naturals
Zoya Naturals
For little ladies- try these fun non-toxic
brands made in more kid-friendly colors:
Piggy Paint
Priti in Pink Princess
So now it also stands to reason that if most nail polishes are toxic, then the stuff you use to remove them is also toxic. They’re usually full of acetone, fragrances, methyl ethyl ketone, phthalates and toluene. Most of these cause significant damage to the human body.
So now that you have chosen a toxin-free brand and painted those fingers and toes how do you get the color off safely when you want to change colors? Fortunately some of the brands mentioned above are already ahead of you and have safer polish removers.
Acquarella Polish Remover
Butter London Nail Polish Scrubbers
Hopscotch for kids Polish Remover
No-Miss Nail Polish Remover
Piggy Paint Polish Remover
Priti NYC Soy Polish Remover
Suncoat Polish Remover
Scotch Naturals Polish Remover
Zoya Naturals Polish Remover
And not to leave out our furry friends that might be polish divas- I could not help but share Puppy Paint. A non-toxic brand of polish for posh pups that even covers dark colored nails and dries quickly.
Toluene is a toxin that may cause birth defects and developmental problems in children of pregnant women who have had extended exposure. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which has been linked to birth defects in studies involving lab animals, and formaldehyde, a carcinogen are all ingredients you want to make sure are NOT in your polish.
Unfortunately, there are no certifications or labeling in the United States that indicate a ‘safe’ or ‘better’ nail polish or polish remover. The best you can do is look for advertising that publicly claims they are free of these specific chemicals, so look for "DBP-free" "formaldehyde-free" and "toluene-free" messages.

Here is a list of brands that are
free of these toxins:
Butter London
Honeybee Gardens
Priti NYC
Scotch Naturals
Zoya Naturals
brands made in more kid-friendly colors:
Piggy Paint
Priti in Pink Princess
So now it also stands to reason that if most nail polishes are toxic, then the stuff you use to remove them is also toxic. They’re usually full of acetone, fragrances, methyl ethyl ketone, phthalates and toluene. Most of these cause significant damage to the human body.
So now that you have chosen a toxin-free brand and painted those fingers and toes how do you get the color off safely when you want to change colors? Fortunately some of the brands mentioned above are already ahead of you and have safer polish removers.
Acquarella Polish Remover
Butter London Nail Polish Scrubbers
Hopscotch for kids Polish Remover
No-Miss Nail Polish Remover
Piggy Paint Polish Remover
Priti NYC Soy Polish Remover
Suncoat Polish Remover
Scotch Naturals Polish Remover
Zoya Naturals Polish Remover
And not to leave out our furry friends that might be polish divas- I could not help but share Puppy Paint. A non-toxic brand of polish for posh pups that even covers dark colored nails and dries quickly.
Happy painting!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Reeces Cake
Today I want to share a family favorite, my Reeces Cake. Its like eating a huge Reeces cup- so what's not to like, right? It is sooooo simple too. Here's what you need:
-a yellow cake mix
-a container of your favorite brand of smooth peanut butter (ours is Skippy)
-a container of chocolate icing
Bake your box cake mix according to the directions on the box in a 9x13 baking dish. Let cool 15-20 minutes. Take your smooth peanut butter and ice the cake. Then stick the cake in the fridge for 15-20 minutes to let the peanut butter set to make it easier to ice it with the chocolate. Then take your chocolate icing and ice the cake again. Stick back in the fridge and I keep it in fridge afterwards too- keeps it moist. You can decorate with Reeces cups or Reeces pieces if you like.
-a yellow cake mix
-a container of your favorite brand of smooth peanut butter (ours is Skippy)
-a container of chocolate icing
Bake your box cake mix according to the directions on the box in a 9x13 baking dish. Let cool 15-20 minutes. Take your smooth peanut butter and ice the cake. Then stick the cake in the fridge for 15-20 minutes to let the peanut butter set to make it easier to ice it with the chocolate. Then take your chocolate icing and ice the cake again. Stick back in the fridge and I keep it in fridge afterwards too- keeps it moist. You can decorate with Reeces cups or Reeces pieces if you like.
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